'Thumbs up for Poppa :) x *TUTORIAL STARTS AT 2:29 :) *Old Hollywood Hair Tutorial JUST WENT Up! https://youtu.be/3RC1I67IUXA To see my exact FULL FACE Foundation routine, watch my latest video here: http://bit.ly/1S51uCP *FOR ALL DETAILS ON PREORDER OF MY PALETTE & RESTOCK: http://bit.ly/1S51uCP *SHOP my CLOSET! Tomorrow 10/26 @ 9 AM Eastern time for 24 hours! http://www.ebay.com/usr/carlibybel *100 items* Round 2 of Charity Sale :) x ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi my loves. So the past few weeks have been really hard. I mentioned on social media that my Poppa (Grandpa) had passed away last week. This all happened on October 15. He was in the hospital for two weeks before he went off to heaven. Thank you for being so understanding as I took the time off to be with family. You guys really don\'t understand how much all your kind words mean to me! Seeing your sweet comments helped lift me up. It\'s always extremely hard losing someone you love. But when you have constant support and uplifting words, it makes things a little bit easier. So thank you again. I love you guy so much!!! Although my birthday celebrations were put on hold, I did go for an early dinner on the 17th. I posted a selfie and you guys asked for a tutorial! So here it is! I hope you all love this look as much as me! XOXO Carli FOR ALL OUTFIT DETAILS & PICS: http://www.thebeautybybel.com/2015/10/my-birthday-makeup-look.html Products Used in order: FULL FACE DETAILS: http://bit.ly/1S51uCP Milani Shadow Eyez in http://amzn.to/1N1rS0z *CARLI BYBEL PALETTE: Preorder by entering your email here: http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL Kat Von D: Black Tattoo eyeliner http://bit.ly/1yNWTfB Anastasia Shadow in Fawn: http://bit.ly/1LVOC18 House of Lashes Iconic Lash http://amzn.to/1LvMwn1 L\'oreal Telescopic Mascara http://amzn.to/153Bj4U Sigma Liner 10% off with code; CARLI10 http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/57018/153230/2835?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmabeauty.com%2Feye-liner%2Fp%2FPARENTEL2 MAC Kohl Liner in Smolder http://bit.ly/1J8oCd5 Kat Von D Shade & Light Palette http://bit.ly/16OCWLL MAC Petal Power Mineralize Blush http://bit.ly/1G7yfLG MAC Stripdown Lip Liner: http://bit.ly/1J4wtN7 MAC Lipstick in Pure Zen http://bit.ly/1xGoQW1 Mario Badescu Rose Water Spray http://bit.ly/1HyYetJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 *SUBSCRIBE to Brett\'s FITNESS & HEALTH channel! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links.'
Tags: fashion , routine , Jaclyn Hill , Khloe Kardashian , kylie jenner makeup , get ready with me , beauty tips , makeup tips , wedding makeup , kylie jenner lips , foundation routine , dramatic makeup , night out , contour and highlight , brown smokey eye , carlibel , bybel , birthday look , carlibybel , clubbing , carlibel55 , makeup mistakes to avoid , birthday glam , birthday makeup look , kim kardahian makeup , bday look , carli bybel birthday look , jaclyn hill birthday look , jennifer lopez glow
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